Pet-Friendly Indoor Plants

In life, there are two things many homeowners love deeply: plants and pets. However, not all plants are safe for some of our furry little friends at home. Some plants can be toxic, especially when ingested, sometimes causing tremors, seizures, or worse. Even the most well-behaved pets aren't immune to nibbling on things they shouldn't.

You can find many pet-friendly house plants that beautify and purify the air in your home. Many pet-safe, non-toxic plants can pass for perfect home accessories and are perfectly safe to have around pets.

So, if you're looking to get the best house plants for your home and have pets, remember to do your research first. In this post, we will share some perfect pet-safe plant options for you to grow your plant collection.

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum Comosum)

This popular plant has very stringy blades that sprout little "pups" as they mature. Spider plants are well-known for being some of the best air purifiers, filtering out carcinogens and toxins, and emitting pure oxygen. These guys are easy to care for and need only partial sunlight. So, you don't need to worry if your window light penetration isn't the best. So long as they receive regular water and have good drainage, you should not encounter any difficulties.

Spider Plant Care tips:

Spider plants can thrive in places with little sunlight and flourish in temperatures between 60-80°F. They also don't require regular watering, unlike other plants.

African Violet (Saintpaulia)

These pet-friendly houseplants are another favorite among many plant collectors. They are easy to care for and bloom in shades of whites, pinks, and purple, which pop against its velvety, dark green foliage. Many pets also like playing with their leaves and won't get hurt by nibbling on them. However, due to African Violets' sensitive nature, animals touching the leaves often can leave the plant injured and cause it to die. Keep the plant on a higher window-sill.

African Violet Care Tips:

The African Violet thrives in temperatures between 73-77°F when young but bloom at temperatures as low as 68°F when mature. These plants will also need moderate watering. African Violets are known to be one of the most challenging plants to care for. If you don't have a green thumb, try a different plant.

Moth Orchid (Phalaenopsis)

While some orchids may be more challenging to care for and maintain than others, the Moth Orchid is one of the easiest pet-safe plants to care for. Plus, orchids don't grow in the soil like most plants. Their roots need sufficient air circulation. You can use an alternative potting medium with plenty of air pockets. If the orchid has visible roots sticking out that are a silvery-white color, you will know they are thirsty. Their thin and frail stems may also need support as they grow.

Moth Orchid Care Tips:

The Moth Orchid thrives best in indirectly bright and warm spots and typically bloom once a year for up to three months. Whenever you notice the leaves yellowing, you may be exposing them to too much sunlight or overwatering them.

Angel's Tears (Soleirolia Soleirolii)

Here's another pet-friendly indoor plant that will look amazing in your home. Its dripping tendrils are practically designed to attract cats and keep them entertained. Even if you place your Angel's tears high up in a hanging basket, your cats may just find their way to the plants. Don't worry! Your clever kitty will be safe, making it one of the best pet-friendly indoor plants for your home.

Angel's Tears Care Tips:

In addition to being safe around pets, these plants are also an excellent option for beginner green thumbs. The plant does well in locations where the temperature ranges between 70-80°F with filtered light. Remember to keep the soil moist because Angel's Tears can start wilting almost immediately if it doesn't get enough water.

Venus Flytrap (Dionaea Muscipula)

The Venus Flytrap is not only pet-friendly but also one of the most low-maintenance plants to have in your home. This plant won't pose any danger to your pets. Just remember to keep them happy by placing them in a prime location that receives at least four hours of direct sunlight. Also, remember to water it with distilled water.

You can set the plant on a porch to allow it to feed itself with passerby flies and other insects. The Venus Flytrap needs just one or two insects to sustain itself every month. If you keep the plant inside, you will have to feed it insects yourself.

Venus Flytrap Care tips:

This plant requires pure water. So, rainwater or reverse osmosis should work great. You also shouldn't let your plant dry out. Keep the soil around its base damp to the touch.

Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea Elegans)

This mini palm tree has a fantastic texture and elegant frond that brings out a zen vibe about it. You can also cut off its fronds and add them to bouquets. These can last up to 40 days before drying out.

While these non-toxic indoor plants start small, they can reach up to 4 feet or taller. The Parlor Palm thrives in partial light but can also do well in lower lighting conditions. However, they cannot handle excessive bright or direct sunlight because of their delicate leaves.

Parlor Palm Care Tips:

Remember to allow the soil to dry out completely before watering again. The plant is naturally a slow grower and can take years to reach four feet tall.

Calathea Orbifolia (now called Goeppertia Orbifolia)

Here's another gorgeous pet-safe plant with an exquisite leaf pattern. This house plant also needs partial shade, perfect for shelves and places that don't receive too much light.

Calathea Orbifolia is ideal for plant lovers who like unique patterns and a little color in their homes. They are very safe for cats and dogs and are fun to watch when their leaves move upward at night.

Calathea Orbifolia Care Tips:

Excessive and direct sunlight burns the plant's leaves. Remember to place them so they receive indirect light. Calathea Orbifolia also requires regular watering to stay healthy and hydrated. They also thrive at temperatures between 60-80°F (nothing below 55°F).

Popular Pet-Safe Plants for Your Home

These are some of the most common pet-friendly indoor plants you can find at our San Marcos plant store. There are many other options and collections you can choose from, depending on your preferences. Hopefully, this guide has given you the insight you need when shopping for an indoor plant for your home. If you are not sure if a plant is safe for your pet or not, feel free to ask us! We'd be more than happy to find the perfect pet-safe plant for you.